Like many authors, I can claim to have been writing “forever,” starting back in second grade when my teacher Mrs. Doyle gave us our first real writing assignment. I’ve also always been a voracious reader. But becoming a published author is quite another thing!
I’d written short stories and worked as a reporter for a while, but never was able to finish a longer manuscript. It was like a mental block – I couldn’t get past the first fifty pages! Once I started having my kids, my “free time” dwindled down to stolen moments and my writing time evaporated!
When my third child started full-day Kindergarten, I felt like I finally had a little time for myself again. A friend dragged me along to the writing class he was taking, and I started working on a manuscript, finally pursuing my dream. Eight months and 100,000 words later I typed “The End” for the first time. What a great feeling! I thought the hard part was over, and in a way it was. I had finally gotten past that hurdle of completing a story.
While I was sending that first manuscript out to agents and publishers, my writing friends advised me to start something new. Having grown up in New Jersey, I tapped into some childhood memories of places and people and started on a new story. This one was completely different from the first manuscript, with a reluctant psychic as my main heroine. She’s trying to live a “normal” life, but can’t avoid the ghosts who whisper to her.
UNFOLDING THE SHADOWS is that second manuscript, which found a home at Cerridwen Press.
My family has been very supportive of my writing, but they all keep asking when they’ll be able to see my book at local stores. For now, it’s only available online as an e-book by going to the publisher’s website at Cerridwen Press.
It’s got a beautiful cover – the artists at Cerridwen Press really do a wonderful job working with the authors to capture the flavor of the stories. And it’s been getting good reviews – come back tomorrow to see what people are saying about my book!
For more information about me, you can visit my website at, or follow my blog at to read my musings on writing and life by the ocean.
Don't forget to check back with us tomorrow, to see what people are saying about Katie, and "Unfolding the Shadows!"
Hi Katie!
How fun to be doing all these blogs! I too am waiting for your book to come out in paperback - mainly because I want an autographed copy! I also have many "older" reader friends who won't read on a computer or Kindle. So be sure to let us all know when it comes out in paperback!
Katie, Unfolding the Shadows sounds very intriguing. What an interesting title! I wish you many sales, and all the best with your writing career.
Hi Pam! Thanks for following me around cyberspace! I really appreciate all your support!
Hi Pat! Thanks for your good wishes! I always love to hear from both readers and fellow writers.
Great cover, Katie. Best of luck with your story. It does sound like a good read with interesting twists.
Congratulations on getting your book published. Yes, the cover is striking. Sounds like an interesting story line.
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