While I classify myself as a paranormal romance writer I believe most would agree I fall into the category of fantasy/paranormal.
Though born in Massachusetts, I grew up in New Hampshire. Lucky me─I was the daughter of a TWA employee. This meant I was able to travel quite a bit. Traveling introduced me to so many different cultures. Those very cultures inspired stories. Thus far, I’ve written tales surrounding Ireland, Scotland, England, Greece, Italy and New England.
My latest release, Darkest Memory, is a steamy little vampire story that─while labeled a contemporary with a Maine setting─will take the reader back to medieval England often. Expect to revisit a historical night at Westminster Abbey and roam the English forest during a time of great danger.
As for the hero and heroine, coming together could prove disastrous. Cutthroat journalist, Calah Arlington thinks she’s landed the interview of a lifetime. Vampire, Gabriel knows better. The vampire who created him has awoken. She’s not happy. Jealous and vengeful, no one can have Gabriel but her. Twists, turns and forgotten memories make this journey a race against time. Instant passion, the element of denial and true love makes anything possible.
The plot thickens…Heart of Vesuvius; sequel to Darkest Memory was just contracted! In this tale, we follow Gabriel’s sister, Alexandria (who you meet in Darkest Memory─commonly referred to as Alex). Without doubt, it was interesting writing Heart of Vesuvius. This time two vampires fall in love. He’s horribly arrogant and ancient (think Roman Empire) and she’s afraid of heights amongst other things (never a good thing for a vampire!). These two clash from the start. But as all romance stories tend to go, love will find a way.
Okay, on to the fun stuff! Anyone who is familiar with me knows I love contests. Before I dish out the details, I’d love to start here at this blog. Leave a comment after any of my posts this week for a chance to win a copy of Darkest Memory!
Interested in a chance to win a $10 gift certificate to The Wild Rose Press? Join my Yahoo Group (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/skyromance/) by June 1st. Set yourself to digest when joining and enjoy posts at a leisurely pace!
Now through June, pop over to my blog (http://www.skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com/) where I’m hosting a different romance author every week. We’re talking book giveaways and gift certificates to The Wild Rose Press! This week I’m featuring talented author, Hywela Lyn. You don’t want to miss this!
I hope you enjoyed getting to know me and learning a bit more about Darkest Memory. Swing by my website (http://skypurington.com/) anytime to catch up on the latest news.
Best Regards,
Sky Purington
Purchase DARKEST MEMORY- http://www.thewildrosepress.com/darkest-memory-p-3939.html?zenid=955664abf76952aaf29d4567e703f730
Don't forget to check back tomorrow to find out what people are saying about Sky and Darkest Memory! AND remember, comment for you chance to win an E-copy of DARKEST MEMORY!!!!
I also write Paranormal Romance, or so I'm told. As I just blogged a couple of days ago, I really get confused with genres and sub genres. Sometimes it's difficult to know where a story fits.
I have a Modern Day Highland Warrior series about secret warriors, ancient evil and destined love and I don't think Paranormal Romance covers it. There's a lot of suspense and mystery.
Anyway, I think Darkest Memory sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out. I love it...a vampire afraid of heights!
Hi Sky!
Your new book sounds so interesting - can't wait to read an excerpt later in the week! I do so love a good vampire tale! And congrats on the new contract, too!
Hugs- KatieO
Hi Anita. Modern Day Highland Warrior series with lots of suspense & mystery? That sounds right up my alley! I see what you mean about 'Paranormal Romance' not covering it. I came across the same issue with my Scottish Trilogy. Throw in those wizards, bit of shape-shifting, magick...well, you get the drift. Thanks for the kinds words about Darkest Memory!
Hi Katie. Glad you could pop in! I sent Andrea a few excerpts so I'll be curious to see which one she chooses. :) Thanks for the compliments about Darkest Memory & contract!
Ooh, I've just learnt a bit more about 'Heart of Vesuvius and I'm very intrigued. Another one on my huge TBR list LOL!
Smiles. Glad Heart of Vesuvius has you intrigued, Lyn! :) A history channel documentary on sex in ancient Pompeii inspired it. I'm sure your eyebrows just show up in question, lol. Pop over to my blog (http://skypuringtonwrites.blogspot.com) next week to learn more!
For anyone that doesn't know, Miss Hywela Lyn is featured at my blog this week. Swing over & learn more about Children of the Mist. Comment for a chance to win big!
Not only does Darkest Memory sound exciting, its sequel does, too!
Since Heart of Vesuvius is book 2, do you plan more books in the series?
Tracey D
Thanks so much Tracey! Actually, Darkest Memory & Heart of Vesuvius are it for the vampire tales...for now.:)
I'm busy writing my next novel trilogy & will be submitting the first story, The Victorian Lure (Callum's Curse: Book I) to my editor soon. This series follows three paranormal investigators who find themselves caught within a curse cast upon their dark magick wielding, trouble maker, ancestor. Expect to reunite with a few characters from my Scottish Trilogy. Head over to my website http://skypurington.com (Works in Progress page) to learn more!
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