Hi Marly, thanks so much for being here today!
If it's Ok with you I'd like to jump right in...

C of C- How long have you been writing?
MM- A long time. Does that qualify as an answer? LOL I guess if you want specifics, I’ve been writing romance for around ten years.
C of C- Are you a plotter or a pantser?
MM- By the seat of my pants!
C of C- lol, that seems to be the consensus!
C of C- How would you describe your voice?
MM- Strong with a touch of wit and humor I hope.
C of C- What is your favorite part of the writing process?
MM- Writing. Creating my worlds and characters is the best part.
C of C- Where do you find your inspiration?
MM- Everywhere.
C of C- How do you come up with your ideas/plots?
MM- They just magically appear in my head like bolts of lightening.
C of C- Do you write in short stretches or for long periods of time?
MM- It varies. I can write for a short time, or for a marathon length of time.
C of C- Do you write in silence or listen to music?
MM- Both. I can write to the T.V blaring, people talking in the background, or with complete silence. I also listen to music while I write if I’m in the mood for it.
C of C- Do you eat or drink while writing?
MM- No. I might spill something on my keyboard! The horror!
C of C- I know what your saying, I took a swig of ice tea awhile back and it went down the wrong way, well, it got spewed all over the place- computer included! Not a good thing!!!
C of C- Do you research your story before you write it, or as you go?
MM- Both. If it’s a historical I’ll freshen up my historical knowledge before I dig in and write the book, if it’s a fantasy or futuristic, I’ll research as I go.
C of C- How do you decorate your writing space?
MM- With lots of clutter. Seriously though, I have a neat workspace consisting of my desk, computer and printer. The computer is sometimes decorated with sticky notes. ;)
C of C- Ah, the sticky notes. You cannot consider yourself a writer unless you have sticky notes stuck to everything! :O)
C of C- Does all your writing take place on a computer or do you ever write on pen and paper?
MM- All on the computer. I might jot down plot points or character names on my infamous multi colored sticky notes.
C of C-What is your favorite time period? And why?
MM- I don’t play favorites with time periods. I like to write in a range of time periods and settings, it keeps it fresh that way. Of course, unless my book is a time travel, I stick to one time period for the entire book.
C of C- That’s great, shows you can come out of your comfort zone!
C of C- Do you feel a draw to the people and time period you write about?
MM- I think I feel a draw to the people because they all come out of my head, so I’m a bit attached to them. ;)
C of C- lol, Good answer!
C of C- What character did you most enjoy writing?
MM- Uh, oh, I don’t think I can pick one. I enjoy writing them all, they each have traits that make them enjoyable to write, and sometimes, I don’t want to leave the story because of those traits. I really do immerse myself in my works.
C of C- Do you ever act out your scenes?
MM- Not usually. I do however fully visualize the story in my mind’s eye. Sort of like creating a movie in your head.
C of C- How long do you wait once a story is finished to revise it?
MM- This also varies. I might put the story away for a little while and then go back to revising it but usually, I go back over it while it’s still fresh in my mind and I’m already attached to the world I’ve created.
C of C- Do you ever second guess yourself and your writing?
MM- No. I have no confidence issues. LOL
C of C- I wish I could say the same. I’ll have to take a few pointers from you, Marly! :O)
C of C- Do you ever stray from your genre? Your comfort zone?
MM- I don’t think I have a comfort zone in writing. I write in various romance sub-genres so I’m always pushing myself to try something new.
C of C- Do you allow family and friends to read your stories?
MM- Not usually, until they’re finished. I write so quickly that I can’t slow down my momentum to let anyone read it until it’s done.
C of C- Is there a subject you would like to write about, but don’t because you believe it isn’t marketable?
MM- No. I’m content with what I’m writing right now.
C of C- Authors make writing look so easy. Is it harder than most people imagine it to be?
MM- I think so. It’s time consuming, intensive work for the most part. Of course, it’s not physically laborious since we do get to sit while we work. J It does give your brain a good workout, as a writer you’re breathing life into characters, and setting…I want my readers to be transported right into the story and believe that the story is real. I also want the reader to have a lasting impression of the book after they’ve read it so they take a few days to mull the story around in their mind, and leave with that feel good feeling.
C of C – I agree.
C of C- How long does it take you to finish a story?
MM- I have been known to write a full-length novel in a week. This is only the first draft. After getting the words out, I’ll go back and polish it until it’s shiny.
C of C- WHAT?? A week? I really do need to talk with you!!! lol, that’s awesome!
C of C- What is your favorite writing memory?
MM- Oh, man, I have so many. I think I’ll always remember when I typed the end on Twilight’s Kiss and My Lady Knight of Avalon, they are stories that really came together well for me. But then, I could say that about Dragon’s Heart and Enchanted Beauty. They each hold a special memory in my heart. I also have fond memories of writing Doorway to the Stars because it’s such a fast paced story…it’s a real thrill ride. The Witch and the Wolf was also fun to write since I love researching the Napoleonic Wars. Okay, I’m just going to be general and say I love them all. I have fond memories of them all!
C of C - Do you have more than one book out now?
MM- Yes. You can visit my website http://www.marlymathews.com/ to see my full list of books available for purchase and you can also see my coming soon books. I’m really looking forward to the releases of My Lady Knight of Avalon, Do or Die, Dragon’s Heart and Enchanted Beauty. I think readers will be delighted with all four stories.
C of C- Wow, you’re one busy lady! Congratulations on all those upcoming releases!
C of C- Has your writing Journey been a smooth or bumpy ride?
MM- It’s had its fair share of bumps, but every bump came with a good learning curve.
C of C- That’s a great way to think about it!
C of C- What advice would you give to a new aspiring writer?
MM- Believe in yourself, and never give up. Writers have to be stubborn, if they aren’t stubborn, they’ll find it hard to survive in this sometimes-tough business.
C of C- Great advice Marly, I’m repeating those words over and over in my head, “never give up, never give up!”
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to chat with you, Andrea!
It was my pleasure Marly, I had a ball getting to know you better, and I wish you the best of luck with all your future endeavors. I hope to see those new releases on my blog! Hint, hint! :O) Thanks again, for being with us!
For more information on Marly Mathews, please visit her at http://www.marlymathews.com/
If you comment you could be a winner! For those of you who leave a comment Marly will draw one name, and the winner will have a choice of one of her (available) books in E-format!
How cool is that! Thanks Marly!

Great interview. I liked the line about every bump in the road providing a learning curve!
Great interview ladies! Very good questions to ask, Andrea - and the answers were fun too! Thanks for sharing!
Great interiew Marly and Andrea! I just became friend with Marly on Facebook. :-)
Marly- Your books look wonderful. I'm looking forward reading them.
Hi Gerri, I loved that line too, what a great way to think about it!! Becuase it can be sooo tough!
Thanks Shannon, glad you enjoyed it!
Thanks Holly!
Thank you! That line is the truth! :) I really enjoyed doing the interview!
Thanks for reading the interview, Shannon! I had fun sharing with all of you!
Thanks for reading the interview, Holly! I'm off to log in to facebook soon to leave you a comment there!
I hope you enjoy reading my books!
Andrea, thanks again for inviting me to do this interview!
I think it was a good interview as well Andrea. Marly is new to me so it was nice learning a bit about her. I have watched a lot of movies about Arthur and Avalon so it interests me to read her book My Lady Knight of Avalon. I'm going to see if it's still available. thanks
Thanks Dena, I am sure Marly will appreciate that!
My Lady Knight of Avalon is coming soon from The Wild Rose Press, so unfortunately, you'll have to wait to read it!
Thank you for taking the time to read my interview!
The WINNER of one of Marly's available E-books, is Gerri!
Congratulations Gerri!
If you could leave your contact information here, or if you would prefer you can send it to me at
And I will get it to Marly!!!
Thanks again for commenting!
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