Today it’s my pleasure to introduce you to Nita Wick, author of “How Faerie Dust is Made, and “The Dream,” one of many tales appearing in Freya’s Bower anthology, “In the Gloaming.”
Welcome Nita, thanks so much for giving us a moment of your time! I know that time is precious so we’ll get right down to business.

C of C- How long have you been writing?
NW- I started writing about six or seven years ago. That was the beginning anyway. It took me almost three years to decide, “Hey. I can do this.” I finished my first novel, A Real Husband, almost four years ago. After several revisions, I’m happy to say that Tiger Publications recently offered a contract on it. It will be a while before it’s available, but I’m really excited about the sale.
C of C- That's fantastic Nita, congratulations!
C of C- Are you a plotter or a pantser?
NW- I started out as a total pantser, but my CP is a plotter. I think she’s rubbed off on me a little. That’s a good thing. I still let my characters lead the way, but I’ve learned to focus on plot elements more, making my writing stronger.
C OF C- I think it’s a good thing to be a little of both. You have to let the story lead you- sometimes you’re characters go down a different path than you’ve chosen for them.
C of C- How would you describe your voice?
NW- Reviewers and others have told me that my voice is lyrical and poetic. When I first heard that, I was quite surprised. I couldn’t write a good poem if my life depended on it. But I’ve realized that my voice does have a lyrical quality. I think it’s because I’m a hopeless romantic. It’s almost like I want to put a bit of romance in every word I write.
C of C- What is your favorite part of the writing process?
NW- The creativity. I love just letting my imagination run free. One of my favorite t-shirts reads, “I’m a writer. Daydreaming is my job.” In this case, it’s a second job that doesn’t pay very well. LOL But I love it.
C of C- And that’s what counts, loving what you’re doing!
C of C- Do you write in short stretches or for long periods of time?
NW- I’d have to say long periods. It always takes a little while to get the words flowing, so I have to write for longer stretches or I’d never get anything written.
C of C- Do you write in silence or listen to music?
NW- Silence? What’s that? I have two teenagers. My house is and always has been the neighborhood gathering place. So my background “music” is usually Halo 3 and Guitar Hero. After learning to write with that kind of ambiance, I don’t know if I could write without some kind of noise.
C of C- I can definitely relate to that!
C of C- Do you eat or drink while writing?
NW- Since I do tend to write for long stretches, I usually have a cup of coffee or a glass of juice handy. Crumbs on the keyboard can be annoying, so I don’t usually eat while writing. But I have been known to snack on SweetTarts or M&Ms when I’m in the zone. They’re clean and bite size.
C of C- Do you research your story before you write it, or as you go?
NW- A little of both. When I get an idea for a story, I do some preliminary research to make sure I’ve got a strong foundation. Then as I go, my characters often lead me into a situation where I need to check my facts. For instance, when I started writing my western novel, The Wagonmaster, I did a good bit of research about the Oregon Trail before I wrote more than the first chapter. Then along the trail, the wagon train has several people who get sick with cholera. I had to stop and do some research on the disease, its causes, symptoms, and how it might have been treated back then. Even once the first draft is completed, I often end up doing a little more research to make sure I haven’t made any big mistakes.
C of C - How do you decorate your writing space?
NW- Umm, my “writing space” is my living room love seat. It and the end table next to it are usually “decorated” with a stack of newspapers or junk mail.
C of C- lol, I write at the kitchen table so it’s always cluttered with junk! I envy those people with beautiful offices!
C of C- Are you a neat/organized writer or is your office and/or space a complete mess with sticky notes everywhere?
NW- No sticky notes on the loveseat. But I must admit, it’s usually pretty cluttered.
C of C- Does all your writing take place on a computer or do you ever write on pen and paper?
NW- I wrote almost my whole first novel in long hand. I was new to writing, and I just didn’t feel that creative energy unless I had a pen and paper. Purple or green ink. Blue and black just wasn’t colorful enough. Since then, I purchased a laptop and most of my writing is done there.
C of C- Wow, that’s amazing. I think you’re the first author I’ve interviewed that’s told me they completed and entire MS longhand.
C of C- What is your favorite time period? And why?
NW- Anything before 1900. LOL I love history. The Regency period is great, but so are medieval times. I love the colonial period as well as the early to mid 19th century America. I love all of it. Historical romance is my favorite genre to read. I like paranormal, too. So give me a paranormal romance with a historical setting and I’m in heaven.
C of C- Do you feel a draw to the people and time period you write about?
NW- So far I’ve written about 5th century Ireland, 18th century England, and 19th century America when the west was settled. With each book, I was drawn to the characters first. But when you’re learning about who your characters are, you have to learn about the world they live in.
C of C- What character did you most enjoy writing?
NW- Whichever one I’m currently writing. LOL Seriously, right now I’m actively working on two books. One is the western. I’m totally in love with Reynolds, my sexy, cowboy Wagonmaster. I’m almost finished, and I know I’m going to miss him the moment I type the words “The End.” The other two characters I’m really enjoying are the hero and heroine of part two of The Roscommon Faerie Tales. Breandan is using all the poetic charm he can muster to woo his quick-tempered, tomboy heroine, Fionna. I’m having a lot of fun with this one. I’ve had many readers asking when it will be available. Hopefully it won’t be too long. But I’m pretty sure it will be worth the wait. I think readers will like part two even better than the first one.
Welcome Nita, thanks so much for giving us a moment of your time! I know that time is precious so we’ll get right down to business.

C of C- How long have you been writing?
NW- I started writing about six or seven years ago. That was the beginning anyway. It took me almost three years to decide, “Hey. I can do this.” I finished my first novel, A Real Husband, almost four years ago. After several revisions, I’m happy to say that Tiger Publications recently offered a contract on it. It will be a while before it’s available, but I’m really excited about the sale.
C of C- That's fantastic Nita, congratulations!
C of C- Are you a plotter or a pantser?
NW- I started out as a total pantser, but my CP is a plotter. I think she’s rubbed off on me a little. That’s a good thing. I still let my characters lead the way, but I’ve learned to focus on plot elements more, making my writing stronger.
C OF C- I think it’s a good thing to be a little of both. You have to let the story lead you- sometimes you’re characters go down a different path than you’ve chosen for them.
C of C- How would you describe your voice?
NW- Reviewers and others have told me that my voice is lyrical and poetic. When I first heard that, I was quite surprised. I couldn’t write a good poem if my life depended on it. But I’ve realized that my voice does have a lyrical quality. I think it’s because I’m a hopeless romantic. It’s almost like I want to put a bit of romance in every word I write.
C of C- What is your favorite part of the writing process?
NW- The creativity. I love just letting my imagination run free. One of my favorite t-shirts reads, “I’m a writer. Daydreaming is my job.” In this case, it’s a second job that doesn’t pay very well. LOL But I love it.
C of C- And that’s what counts, loving what you’re doing!
C of C- Do you write in short stretches or for long periods of time?
NW- I’d have to say long periods. It always takes a little while to get the words flowing, so I have to write for longer stretches or I’d never get anything written.
C of C- Do you write in silence or listen to music?
NW- Silence? What’s that? I have two teenagers. My house is and always has been the neighborhood gathering place. So my background “music” is usually Halo 3 and Guitar Hero. After learning to write with that kind of ambiance, I don’t know if I could write without some kind of noise.
C of C- I can definitely relate to that!
C of C- Do you eat or drink while writing?
NW- Since I do tend to write for long stretches, I usually have a cup of coffee or a glass of juice handy. Crumbs on the keyboard can be annoying, so I don’t usually eat while writing. But I have been known to snack on SweetTarts or M&Ms when I’m in the zone. They’re clean and bite size.
C of C- Do you research your story before you write it, or as you go?
NW- A little of both. When I get an idea for a story, I do some preliminary research to make sure I’ve got a strong foundation. Then as I go, my characters often lead me into a situation where I need to check my facts. For instance, when I started writing my western novel, The Wagonmaster, I did a good bit of research about the Oregon Trail before I wrote more than the first chapter. Then along the trail, the wagon train has several people who get sick with cholera. I had to stop and do some research on the disease, its causes, symptoms, and how it might have been treated back then. Even once the first draft is completed, I often end up doing a little more research to make sure I haven’t made any big mistakes.
C of C - How do you decorate your writing space?
NW- Umm, my “writing space” is my living room love seat. It and the end table next to it are usually “decorated” with a stack of newspapers or junk mail.
C of C- lol, I write at the kitchen table so it’s always cluttered with junk! I envy those people with beautiful offices!
C of C- Are you a neat/organized writer or is your office and/or space a complete mess with sticky notes everywhere?
NW- No sticky notes on the loveseat. But I must admit, it’s usually pretty cluttered.
C of C- Does all your writing take place on a computer or do you ever write on pen and paper?
NW- I wrote almost my whole first novel in long hand. I was new to writing, and I just didn’t feel that creative energy unless I had a pen and paper. Purple or green ink. Blue and black just wasn’t colorful enough. Since then, I purchased a laptop and most of my writing is done there.
C of C- Wow, that’s amazing. I think you’re the first author I’ve interviewed that’s told me they completed and entire MS longhand.
C of C- What is your favorite time period? And why?
NW- Anything before 1900. LOL I love history. The Regency period is great, but so are medieval times. I love the colonial period as well as the early to mid 19th century America. I love all of it. Historical romance is my favorite genre to read. I like paranormal, too. So give me a paranormal romance with a historical setting and I’m in heaven.
C of C- Do you feel a draw to the people and time period you write about?
NW- So far I’ve written about 5th century Ireland, 18th century England, and 19th century America when the west was settled. With each book, I was drawn to the characters first. But when you’re learning about who your characters are, you have to learn about the world they live in.
C of C- What character did you most enjoy writing?
NW- Whichever one I’m currently writing. LOL Seriously, right now I’m actively working on two books. One is the western. I’m totally in love with Reynolds, my sexy, cowboy Wagonmaster. I’m almost finished, and I know I’m going to miss him the moment I type the words “The End.” The other two characters I’m really enjoying are the hero and heroine of part two of The Roscommon Faerie Tales. Breandan is using all the poetic charm he can muster to woo his quick-tempered, tomboy heroine, Fionna. I’m having a lot of fun with this one. I’ve had many readers asking when it will be available. Hopefully it won’t be too long. But I’m pretty sure it will be worth the wait. I think readers will like part two even better than the first one.
C of C- Sounds fabulous!!!
C of C- Authors make writing look so easy. Is it harder than most people imagine it to be?
NW- It’s a heck of a lot harder than I imagined it to be. About seven years ago, I read what I thought was a totally boring, lifeless historical romance. When you consider reading the next chapter and think, “Nah. I’ll go clean the bathroom.” you know it’s bad. I finally forced myself to finish reading it, and I thought to myself, “How did she get this published? Even I could do better than that.” So I gave it a whirl. Trust me when I tell you that it was a rude awakening. I have a lot more respect for that book now, even if it was boring. There’s so much more to writing than just good grammar and punctuation. There are point of view issues, passive phrasing, showing versus telling, dialog tags, character development, black moments, plot arcs… The list seems endless sometimes. It’s a challenge to write a good story. And now my favorite authors are my idols. I’m really amazed at how easy they make it look.
C of C- I couldn’t agree more!
C of C- Which author/(s) are on your must-read list?
NW- There’s a fairly long list, but I’d have to say Teresa Medeiros, Victoria Alexander, and Connie Mason are at the top.
C of C- Do you have more than one book out now?
NW- Yes. I have How Faerie Dust is Made, book one of The Roscommon Faerie Tales, available in print and ebook at The Wild Rose Press. And I have my short story, The Dream, available in the faerie anthology In the Gloaming. It’s available at Freya’s Bower. Look for my western, The Wagonmaster, later this year at Freya’s Bower.
C of C- Authors make writing look so easy. Is it harder than most people imagine it to be?
NW- It’s a heck of a lot harder than I imagined it to be. About seven years ago, I read what I thought was a totally boring, lifeless historical romance. When you consider reading the next chapter and think, “Nah. I’ll go clean the bathroom.” you know it’s bad. I finally forced myself to finish reading it, and I thought to myself, “How did she get this published? Even I could do better than that.” So I gave it a whirl. Trust me when I tell you that it was a rude awakening. I have a lot more respect for that book now, even if it was boring. There’s so much more to writing than just good grammar and punctuation. There are point of view issues, passive phrasing, showing versus telling, dialog tags, character development, black moments, plot arcs… The list seems endless sometimes. It’s a challenge to write a good story. And now my favorite authors are my idols. I’m really amazed at how easy they make it look.
C of C- I couldn’t agree more!
C of C- Which author/(s) are on your must-read list?
NW- There’s a fairly long list, but I’d have to say Teresa Medeiros, Victoria Alexander, and Connie Mason are at the top.
C of C- Do you have more than one book out now?
NW- Yes. I have How Faerie Dust is Made, book one of The Roscommon Faerie Tales, available in print and ebook at The Wild Rose Press. And I have my short story, The Dream, available in the faerie anthology In the Gloaming. It’s available at Freya’s Bower. Look for my western, The Wagonmaster, later this year at Freya’s Bower.
C of C- Wow, you're having a great year!!! Congratulations again!!
Thank you so much, Andrea, for inviting me.
Thank you Nita, for coming, it’s been great learning so much about you!
If anyone is interested in a copy of “In the Gloaming,” check out the current contest running at my web site, www.nitawick.com
I am also giving away a $5 Gift Certificate and an ebook copy of “In the Gloaming” as part of a Mother’s Day Contest I’m participating in with several other authors.
But just for you and your readers, I’m going to give away a pdf ebook of How Faerie Dust is Made. Next Friday, May 9th, I’ll check the comments on this post and put those names in a hat and draw one.
Thank you so much, Andrea, for inviting me.
Thank you Nita, for coming, it’s been great learning so much about you!
If anyone is interested in a copy of “In the Gloaming,” check out the current contest running at my web site, www.nitawick.com
I am also giving away a $5 Gift Certificate and an ebook copy of “In the Gloaming” as part of a Mother’s Day Contest I’m participating in with several other authors.
But just for you and your readers, I’m going to give away a pdf ebook of How Faerie Dust is Made. Next Friday, May 9th, I’ll check the comments on this post and put those names in a hat and draw one.
How cool is that folks! If you leave a comment you could win!!!!! So let those fingers do the talking!!!!!!!!! Oh, can I be apart of that drawing too??? Please????? :O)
Thanks for being with us Nita, and best of luck with all your future endeavors!
Please visit Nita at, www.nitawick.com
Thanks for being with us Nita, and best of luck with all your future endeavors!
Please visit Nita at, www.nitawick.com
Anyone who leaves a comment is eligible for the drawing, Andrea! That means you, too. LOL I would soooo love to see a review of How Faerie Dust is Made on one of your blogs. ;)
Thanks again for interviewing me!
You're welcome Nita! And I am signing this one under my REAL name so I can be entered!!! I would love to win a copy!!!!!
Me? Plot? Never. lol
Great interview, ladies! Nita, you're on a roll! I hope it continues for quite a while for you.
Such a comprehensive interview! Well done, Andrea. I enjoyed it, Elton John and all, and wish Nita continued success.
What an interesting interview! I loved the questions. I write on my sofa in the living room too! Stacks of books, papers and files everywhere. Sometimes even the couch is solely mine as it can become quite covered. I do have a small office space upstairs, however in the winter is freezing and in the summer is unbearbly hot. So I tend to use it only in the spring and fall.. LOL -- A seasonal office. And writing in living room allows me to keep an eye on the little ones.
Congrats on the new sale, Nita.
Great interview ladies.
Your name is in the hat, Andrea!
*waving at Seeley* Thanks for stopping by. Admit it... You're always plotting something.
Thanks for the kind words, Lexi!
Pat, thank you! I think you've already read HFDIM. If you're name is drawn next Friday, you can opt for an ebook of In the Gloaming instead. :)
LOL Holly. Your "writing space" sounds just like mine. Thanks for the congrats!
Thanks, everyone, for the support. I really I appreciate it!
Ooh, two interviews in one week!! Now the world MUST know who Nita Wick is!!
Best wishes :)
Great interview, Nita!
Great review Andrea, I enjoyed learning a bit about Nita. She sounds down to earth and it's always fun seeing how and why authors get there writing done.
Debby, Luann, and Dena - Thanks so much for the comments. I'm adding your names to the hat for the free ebook of How Faerie Dust is Made. Good luck!
Thank you Dena, Nita made it easy!
Thank you Pat, I appreciate it!
Thanks Holly, glad you enjoyed it!
Sorry I'm a little late with the announcement. I put everyone's name in a bowl and my son drew the name.
Drumroll please...
You are the winner of one ebook of How Faerie Dust is Made. :)
Thank you all for leaving comments!
Congratulations Deby!
But Nita, wasn't your son supposed to pick my name???? lol,:O)
LOL Sorry, Andrea. You know how fickle teenage boys can be.
Are you signed up for my newsletter? I'll be picking TWO names from my mailing list on June 24th- Fairy Day- to receive their choice of ebook, either How Faerie Dust is Made or In the Gloaming. :)
I think I am, how can I find out?
I checked my list, Andrea. You're there!
Good luck!
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